I’m here for it all Kevin! Also, yes to recipes. I’ve been enjoying cooking more lately

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Yes! Thank you! I'm excited to start sharing some stuff. Cocktails, food, wine, commentary. I've got ideas and opinions 🤘

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I am reluctantly teaching myself to cook at 52 because I can only do the basics and I am tired of eating out. Mike and I have been having fun figuring things out and it is time to connect and slow down. Look forward to whatever you share

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Basics is good and there is always something to build on! I'm excited to get into it. Cooking can be so simple and fun and a great way to connect. No stress necessary.

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I love the fact that another human being in a line can uplift our day if we allow ourselves to be present. There’s a book by Adam Grant called Think Again about the power of reconsideration. I used to think I had to be married to my opinions but now flexibility of thought appeals to me.

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I've been wanting to read that! I love his ideas. Flexibility of thought is a huge part of what cooking can teach us. There is a recipe and then there is all the variables. It's why having conversations with others with different opinions can be helpful. None of it will be perfect every time but it's worth the exploration. The journey is just as important as the destination.

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Agreed! And I think it's so important right now with the polarization we all feel in our world. We've lost the art of coming together in peaceful discussion.

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